We are a full service acupuncture & traditional Chinese medical clinic since 1997.


Acupuncture in Tacoma, WA

Muscular skeletal pain and injuries. Headaches, migraine, vertigo, post stroke recovery depression, anxiety, stress, allergies, trigeminal neuralgia, gastro intestinal disorders, mensural disorder, pregnancy support, vomiting, fertilely enhancement, men’s health issues, immune support, holistic support during cancer treatment, and others too numerous to list.


We accept motor vehicle insurance as well as Regence, Uniform, Premera, Aetna, United Healthcare, Kaiser, First Choice. We have a cash rate for those whose insurance does not cover us. Sorry! No Bitcoin.


“I was in so much pain when I came in that I could barely stand, sit or sleep. I was astounded by the improvement in the first session. It was my first Acupuncture experience - was unsure then - but am a convert now!”

— Laura M.

 Office Hours are subject to change without notice, however are generally:

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10am-6pm

Friday 9am-3pm

Saturday by appointment only.